My sister's friend, whom I've never even met, wrote to me. Was it a coincidence that I received the email after walking out of a very humiliating IUI procedure? I think not. I was grateful for her words. For her compassion. And for her desire to help a woman in need, even if a stranger. She told me I could pass along her story and words of wisdom. I hope we can all make our very best efforts to apply her lessons into our lives. What a strong and amazing woman she is! She shares.....
My husband and I have struggled for years with infertility issues. 3 of which were in Provo - land of the babies (horrific). It has been difficult, heart breaking, and many many tears have been shed over the problem. When we moved to Arizona, I went straight to a fertility specialist who gave us the good news (HA!) that we had a 2% chance of getting pregnant on our own and our only real chance of pregnancy would be through IVF. We saved our money and put some on credit and then tried our first IVF in December of 2007. It was a very challenging experience as my ovaries got hyper stimulated and I was hospitalized for a week. However, in the end by nothing short of a miracle I got pregnant with my daughter. She just celebrated her 4th birthday yesterday. Three years later after again saving every nickel and dime, we tried IVF again in April of 2010 and by another huge miracle got pregnant with our son, who just celebrated his first birthday on January 2nd. You'd think with the option to choose delivery dates, I would have selected better times than 9 days apart and right after Christmas, huh? :)
Anyway, we struggled for 5 long years and it was devastating. Really really devastating. I spent a lot of time on my knees and a lot of time in the temple asking Heavenly Father WHY. I struggled with the concept of faith and challenged my own inner faith. Because if I had "faith" that I could get pregnant, then WHY wasn't it happening? There were some dark days. It seemed that everyone around me was always pregnant and babies were everywhere taunting me. After many years of soul searching I finally realized that I needed to have faith in Jesus Christ and his plan for me, not just in the outcomes that I so desperately wanted. The single best lesson learned during the process, was learned from my Aunt Sharron. She lost her husband to cancer while we were struggling with infertility. She taught me a lesson that carried me through the rest of our trial (and through my life). She told me that she survived his death by focusing on her current blessings and all the positive things she had in her life. She had been dwelling on the blessings that were NOT hers and the blessings that seemingly everyone else had BUT her and she was spiraling downward. When she realized the good things she had, she was able to pull through her husband's death and become a grateful person. Aunt Sharron also taught me to stay actively busy with lots of good things.
I took her advice and started to think about all the good in my life. I realized that I had a great job, a wonderful husband, a fantastic marriage, a great extended family who loves me, a comfortable place to live, etc... - I still have many friends that are still single and this concept helped me realize that I was blessed to have an eternal companion with which I can endure trials with. My husband and I started to travel more and really enjoy the fact that we didn't have kids making trips more expensive and difficult. We planned lots of activities with other friends, trained for races, performed together and most importantly attended and worked at the temple together. Looking back, although horribly painful, I would not have traded those years for anything. We were really able to strengthen our marriage and create a loving home and environment for our future children (plus have a lot of fun!!).
Did I still have "down" days? Absolutely. Did I still cry every time another sibling got pregnant with yet another baby? Sure. But most of the time I CHOSE not to think about the blessings that I did NOT have and focus on the ones that I DID. In fact, even with two miracle babies, I still get depressed because I came from a large family and was really hoping for more than two children. Seems silly, huh? But, even now I get caught up in the "why me" cycle.
I know that Heavenly Father knows you and loves you. And I know he has your best interest in mind. Although these days may be dark, He is always there.
All my love and support,