November 20, 2012

My Family

Today I am grateful for my family.
I have such an awesome family and want to give each one of them a little shout out! They so deserve it as they do so much for us. Love you guys!

My mom: My mom is the most selfless and Christlike person I've ever met. She always seems to remain so calm and loving, even when people wrongfully treat her. She is a great example to me. There are so many traits I hope to obtain from her. I love her so much!

My Dad: I think parts of me are a total daddy's girl. I always have valued my dad's opinion. I admired his ambition and success and knew I wanted those traits in a husband. It worked out well, because I found just that! My dad is incredibly knowledgeable in every single topic possible.

Brady: I always looked up to my big brother. I loved hanging out with him and thought he was so cool. He set a great example being the oldest child. He is so sweet and caring of his sisters. He has always been protective of us. He's very fun to talk to.

Stephanie: Oh Steph is such the life of the party! I love the presence she brings into our family. She is crazy fun. She is probably the wittiest person I've ever met. The things that girl says! No wonder her kids are such comedians! I love hangin with steph.

Karlie: Even though she is my oldest sister, I get along with her so well. I have always admired the mom she is. She is so easy to talk to and always seems to know exactly what to say. She is not afraid to speak her mind and I admire that in her. She is a very strong and confident woman.

Adam: One word to describe Adam. Opinionated. haha. But seriously Adam is a very interesting person to talk to. He is super smart and is very passionate about his thoughts and feelings. He is a great husband and father and helps around the house so much. 

Melanie: Oh Melanie is the sweetest of us all! I always hope that her goodness will rub off on me! I love that she is such a gamer and is always wanting to have a good time. She sacrifices so much for her family. She has such a strong testimony and always has a bright spirit about her.

Mike: Such a sweetie that Mike. Always trying to help out. He always puts everyone else's needs before his. The best thing about Mike, are his accidental blunt comments. Oh those always make us laugh. He's such a fun guy.

Rachael: Rach is the closest sibling in age to me. We've grown up being so incredibly close. We've had so many fun times. She is the funniest person. She's so fun to have around to make you laugh. She's such a dedicated mom. She always has my back. I miss hanging out with her all the time.

Matt: Matt is such a chill guy. He rarely seems to get mad. He loves to play hard, and I think that is important! He is so good to my sister. He is truly genuine with others' successes. He has never been one to brag or boast. He is very humble.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. That was so good for me to read all these great, positive things about our family. And boy to hit everybody straight on!!! So true about everyone one! Now just add Jordan to it, and we'll add you!!
