December 02, 2011

Eternal Hope

One difficult thing for me is the mental battle this struggle brings. I can’t help but get my hopes up every month, especially when your doing so much to have success, but then find the “rejection” news to be unbearable. I did this for a long time. It is a rough emotional rollercoaster. Then I began to not want to get my hopes up at all because it hurt too bad when it was yet another no.  But the hope is what carries you through.  If you don’t have hope, then it’s like trying to run a marathon that you don’t think will ever end. I struggled with what to tell my mind. What to think with each month of trying.  What a good balance was. A very wise man, whom I’ve come to adore, told me great advice. He told me to have Eternal Hope. Don't have cheerleader hope, which is thinking “oh I hope it works THIS month, I hope THIS is our month!" (which is very hard not to do). But instead, have Eternal Hope. To think that someday, you will have a family. Someday, everything will work out. No matter what road it takes you to get there.  You will get your family. You will be blessed for persevering and sacrificing so much to achieve such a selfless thing. Something that your Heavenly Father wants for you as much as you do.  I know He is proud of you for wanting it so bad. For hurting so bad because you long for it. It is a very good thing to ache for. Try to have Eternal Hope. Try to stay focused on that. It is easy for that to get clouded, but your children will come. Whenever my period is near and I begin to sink down because I know it’s coming, I try to remain full of eternal hope. Maybe it’s not our month this month, but one of these months it will be our turn. We will get our family.

Have faith.

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